Pursuant to Article XIV, Section 1: Bylaws

Amendments to the current HBYC History and Bylaws:

Bylaws shall be amended or new bylaws accepted by a majority vote of the members present and entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting of the Club, provided that all proposed amendments or changes are sent to all Members in good standing at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting along with the call for the meeting.

Below you will find links to three documents:

  1. Current Bylaws
  2. Proposed Changes to the Current Bylaws
  3. Summary of all proposed changes in table format, including the disposition taken by the Board on each proposed change.

Please review the proposed changes.  If you have questions or additional changes you would like to have considered by the Board, please email the Commodore at Commodore@hbyc.org or the Vice Commordore at ViceCommodore@hbyc.org no later than 4 December 2015.

December General Membership Board Meeting  – Join us at Happy Harbor in Deale, MD on December 5, 2015 at 11:00AM. We will announce and celebrate our newly elected Board members and vote on the new version of the Bylaws.

HBYC Bylaws-2012-Final-version-as-approved

HBYC History and Bylaws Updated November 2015

HBYC – 2015 Bylaws Proposed Changes – Compiled